Romance Book Club

Enemies to Lovers

Laura Jane Williams


Ever since The Embarrassing Meltdown Incident, Flo has been on an enforced break from life. And the timing couldn't be better, as her family sets off to Greece for their summer vacation.

Enter Jamie Kramer... literally. Broad, sun-kissed, and fitter than ever. Jamie is Flo's brother's best friend, and the person she wants to see least in the world. He's also her family's "adopted" son after he lost his parents at a young age.

Flo and Jamie hate each other. Except, Flo actually has a mortifying crush on Jamie, made infuriatingly stronger after The Christmas Incident. And nobody—least of all her family—can know. So, with two weeks of steamy outings, rocky boat trips, and sunshine on the horizon, Flo is going to have to fix the situation the only way she can think of: by spending time with him. What could possibly go wrong for the pair of Enemies to Lovers?

Laura Jane WilliamsABOUT THE AUTHOR: 

Laura Jane Williams (she/her) is known as the queen of the meet-cute. She is the author of six rom-coms, as well as the forthcoming Lovestruck (June 2023). She is also the author of three works of non-fiction.

The rights to Laura's international bestseller Our Stop have been sold for television, and her books have been translated into languages all over the world. She loves romance, being a parent, and lifting very heavy weights.

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