When Rosie Meleady's landlady doubles her rent in cold, wet, overpriced Ireland, she packs up her family, her two dogs, and all her possessions into a camper van and sets off across Europe to sunny Italy, where she plans to grow her destination wedding planning business. 

Even though it has been a dream she attempted to follow several times, Rosie and her family soon find out moving abroad to start a new life is not all sunshine and gelato.

Between a hurricane, a global pandemic, and accidentally buying a massive villa—that has definitely seen better days—from eight cousins in the middle of a long-standing family dispute, Rosie pulls back the curtains on the less glamorous side of moving abroad. 

Lighthearted, uplifting, and utterly escapist, A Rosie Life in Italy is HGTV meets Under the Tuscan Sun—a delightful peek under the covers of what it's like to throw caution to the wind, take a risk, and build a life you once only dreamed of having.


Irish author Rosie Meleady was a magazine publisher and editor for about 15 years. She won the International Women in Publishing Award 1996 at the ripe old age of 24. She couldnt attend the award ceremony in London as she decided it would also be a good day to give birth. 

In her A Rosie Life In Italy series, she writes about buying a 22 roomed derelict villa in Italy by accident, renovating it and living in Italy. 

Her love of solving mysteries and previous profession as a destination wedding planner, led her to write her Deadly Wedding Cozy Mystery series.

She now lives happily ever after running women's writing retreats in Tuscany and hosting female creatives in Umbria.

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