Good News Book Club

The Quilt Room Secret (Heart of the Amish)

Lisa Jones Baker


As they took turns pushing each other on the swing that hung from a large tree, the mature—for a five--year--old—Jacob Lantz asked Trini Sutter to marry him. The nine--year--old thoughtfully responded that she'd consider his proposal when they were older.

Nearly two decades later, the Amish farmer returns to the beautiful countryside of Arthur, Illinois, to take the independent owner of The Quilt Room up on her promise. Quiet, handsome Jacob is truly in love with the spirited list maker, and Trini finds herself falling in love with Jacob, but the youngest of eleven has big plans of her own.

Jacob's long--held aspirations are put to the test when he learns that Trini has been holding a secret. He prays for a turnaround of events; however, when Trini moves away from her tight--knit community, he begins to realize that his dream of them being Mr. and Mrs. most likely won't happen.

Will Trini forfeit her own well--laid plan for the man of her dreams?


I grew up near Arthur, Illinois. On weekends, my parents and I frequented the quaint Amish town, often the setting of my stories. I was fortunate to have been raised in a loving, Christian home by two wonderful parents. I have a B.A. in French Education, and I'm a former school teacher who loves gardening, cooking, reading, positive thinkers, and every dog I meet. 

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